Saturday, June 3, 2017

Rose of Sharon activity .. 2 phots with two critters in each...

This is the first time I've captured 2 macro photos each containing two different critters with a plant as the point of contact.

The first one is a bee coming in and some type of small insect that almost looks more like a 'crab' then a spider .. I have no idea what it is: do you?

The next shows a Dragon Mosquito on one side of a closing Rose of Sharon flower and another wasp family member that I can't identify. (Add the name in a comment please if you know, thanks.)

There was also a lady bug and ...

.. some type of stink bug?

These shots are primarily macro shots of flowers in the Green House: tiny flowers on the spider plant, a tropical Plumarius and a Bougainvillea?

And lastly some Bee's in flight and a close up of that spider / crab insect.