Sunday, November 17, 2019

Today I took photos .. it was good theropy.

1/40 sec. f/5 100mm ISO 400
Late this afternoon, I put my camera on the tripod and headed out back to see what I'd find.

The sun was low in the sky, so I knew all the exposures would have to be long, so pictures of moving bugs and flowers was out. Thankfully the wind was light and I focused on walking the fence line where the sun was still casting it's rays. Photos started with partial second shutter speeds and went up to 2 1/2 seconds.

1/15 sec. f/4 100mm ISO 400
photo1- I don't know what kind of plant this is: it is a vine with sharp stickers on it, but this portion is being eaten. As I was focusing on the leaf I'm sure I saw a very tiny critter run down the edge of the leaf..that was a very small critter!

photo2 - I think the stem is from the same vine - but not sure.

photo3 - The galvanized nail is part of the fence where the wood has been worn away or come off.

photo4 - The dogs almost look like ghosts as they play with the dog on the other side of the fence. (There are two 'ghost dogs' there, the second is a little more active and more difficult to see.)
 photo5 - This photo was exposed for over 2 seconds, but there is little or no movement of the 'headless' dog.

Forty five photos later, the sun had set, and I was walking in thankful for getting 30 minutes with my camera outside. Looking that closely to small things we don't normally see is good.

(No harm was caused to any animals in the capturing of these photos, or before or after the capturing of these images too.)

1/15 sec. f/4.5 100mm ISO 400
2.5 sec. f/32 100mm ISO 400

2.5 sec. f/32 100mm ISO 400

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