Up until this posting, all the macro photos I've taken have been with my Canon PowerShot A710IS. It has taken some amazing macro shots - enough to let me know I enjoy taking them and would like to take the next step at some point. Just this week was that point when I purchased the macro lens used, with out even having a camera to host it.
my thumb nail |
The lens (
Canon Macro 100mm) purchase, or what my grandpa would say was "
putting the cart before the horse", put me into the market for a horse. After considering a contemporary digital SLR, I found a good old horse that I think still has some life in her - a
Canon 40D with a
Canon 28-135mm IS lens attached.
This weekend I was able to put the cart and horse together and start taking photos again .. WOW .. what a Great camera and lens!! The take away was I need to manage my motion and I need to get a flash rig. There were some images I didn't capture due to blur, but, it was still fun and I have a few decent shots to show for the learning and fun process.
Here are some of the highlights - taken with my new horse and cart!
(There has been no editing to the originals other than cropping them is size.)
Little spider taking in some Dr. Seuss |
Spider exploring the kitchen table .. and keeping an eye on me too! |
Water droplet on a flower leaf |
Some type of small bee visiting a flow I was taking pictures of |